
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.Position(x: float = 0, y: float = 0, angle: float = 0, unlocked: bool = False)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A position element within a KiCad PCB file.

  • x – The X coordinates of the position.

  • y – The X coordinates of the position.

  • angle – The orientation angle of the position.

  • unlocked – Whether the position orientation can be anything other than the upright orientation or not.


kicad_expr_tag_name – The KiCad expression tag name for this element (“at”).

x: float = 0
y: float = 0
angle: float = 0
unlocked: bool = False
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['at']] = 'at'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.ConnectionPads(type: Literal['yes', 'no', 'full', 'thru_hole_only', None] = None, clearance: float = 0)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A connection pads.

  • type – The type of pad connection.

  • clearance – The minimum clearance distance for connected pads.


kicad_expr_tag_name – The KiCad expression tag name for this element (“connect_pads”).

type: Literal['yes', 'no', 'full', 'thru_hole_only', None] = None
clearance: float = 0
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['connect_pads']] = 'connect_pads'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneKeepOutSettings(tracks: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed'], vias: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed'], pads: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed'], copperpour: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed'], footprints: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed'])

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

The zone keepout settings within a KiCad PCB file, defining allowed elements within keepout zones.

KiCad zone keepout

  • tracks – Whether tracks should be excluded from the keep out area. Valid attributes are allowed and not_allowed.

  • vias – Whether vias should be excluded from the keep out area. Valid attributes are allowed and not_allowed.

  • pads – Whether pads should be excluded from the keep out area. Valid attributes are allowed and not_allowed.

  • copperpour – Whethercopper pours should be excluded from the keep out area. Valid attributes are allowed and not_allowed.

  • footprints – Whether footprints should be excluded from the keep out area. Valid attributes are allowed and not_allowed.


kicad_expr_tag_name – The KiCad expression tag name for this element (“keepout”) or not.

tracks: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed']
vias: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed']
pads: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed']
copperpour: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed']
footprints: Literal['allowed', 'not_allowed']
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['keepout']] = 'keepout'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneFillIslandRemovalMode(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: StrEnum

Different Island removal modes for zone fills within a KiCad PCB file.

Always = '0'

Remove all islands (copper areas disconnected from the main zone).

Never = '1'

Keep all islands.

MinimumArea = '2'

Remove islands with area smaller than a specified threshold.

class edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneFillHatchSmoothingLevel(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: StrEnum

Different smoothing levels for hatched zone fills within a KiCad PCB file.

No = '0'

No smoothing applied to the hatch edges.

Fillet = '1'

Apply a fillet (rounded corner) smoothing to the hatch edges.

ArcMinimum = '2'

Use minimum arc radius for smoothing hatch edges.

ArcMaximum = '3'

Use maximum arc radius for smoothing hatch edges.

class edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneFillHatchBorderAlgorithm(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: StrEnum

Different algorithms for defining the border of hatched zone fills within a KiCad PCB file.

ZoneMinimumThickness = 'zone_min_thickness'

Use minimum zone thickness to define the border.

HatchThickness = 'hatch_thickness'

Use hatch thickness to define the border.

class edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneFillSettings(yes: bool = False, mode: Literal['hatch', 'solid'] = 'solid', thermal_gap: float | None = None, thermal_bridge_width: float | None = None, smoothing: Literal['chamfer', 'fillet', None] = None, radius: float | None = None, island_removal_mode: ZoneFillIslandRemovalMode | None = None, island_area_min: float | None = None, hatch_thickness: float | None = None, hatch_gap: float | None = None, hatch_orientation: float | None = None, hatch_smoothing_level: ZoneFillHatchSmoothingLevel | None = None, hatch_smoothing_value: float | None = None, hatch_border_algorithm: ZoneFillHatchBorderAlgorithm | None = None, hatch_min_hole_area: float | None = None)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

The zone fill settings within a KiCad PCB file, defining properties for filling copper zones.

KiCad fill settings

  • yes – If the zone should be filled.

  • mode – How the zone is filled. The only valid fill mode is hatched.

  • thermal_gap – The distance from the zone to all pad thermal relief connections to the zone.

  • thermal_bridge_width – The spoke width for all pad thermal relief connection to the zone.

  • smoothing – The style of corner smoothing and the radius of the smoothing.

  • radius – The radius.

  • island_removal_mode – The mode for removing islands within the zone fill.

  • island_area_min – The minimum allowable zone island.

  • hatch_thickness – The thickness for hatched fills.

  • hatch_gap – The distance between lines for hatched fills.

  • hatch_orientation – The line angle for hatched fills.

  • hatch_smoothing_level – How hatch outlines are smoothed.

  • hatch_smoothing_value – The ratio between the hole and the chamfer/fillet size.

  • hatch_border_algorithm – Whether the zone line thickness is used when performing a hatch fill or not.

  • hatch_min_hole_area – The minimum area a hatch file hole can be.


kicad_expr_tag_name – The KiCad expression tag name for this element (“fill”).


The radius field is not documented in the KiCad file format documentation but we have seen it in the wild.

yes: bool = False
mode: Literal['hatch', 'solid'] = 'solid'
thermal_gap: float | None = None
thermal_bridge_width: float | None = None
smoothing: Literal['chamfer', 'fillet', None] = None
radius: float | None = None
island_removal_mode: ZoneFillIslandRemovalMode | None = None
island_area_min: float | None = None
hatch_thickness: float | None = None
hatch_gap: float | None = None
hatch_orientation: float | None = None
hatch_smoothing_level: ZoneFillHatchSmoothingLevel | None = None
hatch_smoothing_value: float | None = None
hatch_border_algorithm: ZoneFillHatchBorderAlgorithm | None = None
hatch_min_hole_area: float | None = None
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['fill']] = 'fill'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneFillPolygon(layer: ~typing.Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'], island: bool = False, pts: ~edea.kicad.common.Pts = <factory>)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A filled polygon element within a KiCad PCB file, defining a zone fill area on a specific layer.

KiCad filled polygon

  • layer – The canonical layer the zone fill resides on.

  • island – Whether the polygon defines an island within a zone fill or not.

  • pts – A list of polygon X-Y coordinates used to fill the zone.


kicad_expr_tag_name – The KiCad expression tag name for this element (“filled_polygon”).

layer: Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue']
island: bool = False
pts: Pts
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['filled_polygon']] = 'filled_polygon'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.Polygon(pts: list[~edea.kicad.common.Pts] = <factory>)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A simple polygon element within a KiCad PCB file, defining a closed shape without filling.


pts – List of lists of points defining the polygon’s outer and potential inner contours.


kicad_expr_tag_name – The KiCad expression tag name for this element (“polygon”).

pts: list[Pts]
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['polygon']] = 'polygon'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.Hatch(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: StrEnum

Different hatch options for ZoneFillPolygon and Polygon elements within a KiCad PCB file.

Edge = 'edge'

Hatch along the polygon edges.

Full = 'full'

Fill the entire polygon area with hatch.

None_ = 'none'

No hatching applied to the polygon.

class edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneAttrTearDrop(type: Literal['padvia', 'track_end'] = 'padvia')

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A teardrop attribute for zone fills within a KiCad PCB file.


type – This specifies the type of teardrop element


kicad_expr_tag_name – The KiCad expression tag name for this element, which is always “teardrop”.

type: Literal['padvia', 'track_end'] = 'padvia'
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['teardrop']] = 'teardrop'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneAttr(teardrop: ZoneAttrTearDrop)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

The zone attributes within a KiCad PCB file, potentially defining teardrop clearance shapes.


teardrop – Teardrop clearance shape definition for the zone.


kicad_expr_tag_name – The KiCad expression tag name for this element (“attr”).

teardrop: ZoneAttrTearDrop
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['attr']] = 'attr'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.Zone(locked: bool = False, net: int = 0, net_name: str = '', layer: ~typing.Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] | None = None, layers: list[~typing.Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] | ~typing.Literal['*.Adhes', '*.Cu', '*.Mask', '*.Paste', '*.SilkS', 'F&B.Cu']] = <factory>, tstamp: ~uuid.UUID | None = None, uuid: ~uuid.UUID | None = None, name: str | None = None, hatch: tuple[~edea.kicad.pcb.common.Hatch, float] = ('none', 0), priority: int | None = None, attr: ~edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneAttr | None = None, connect_pads: ~edea.kicad.pcb.common.ConnectionPads = <factory>, min_thickness: float = 0, filled_areas_thickness: bool = True, keepout: ~edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneKeepOutSettings | None = None, fill: ~edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneFillSettings = <factory>, polygons: list[~edea.kicad.pcb.common.Polygon] = <factory>, filled_polygons: list[~edea.kicad.pcb.common.ZoneFillPolygon] = <factory>)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A zone object within a KiCad PCB file, defining a designated area on specific copper layers.

KiCad zone


Some zones have layers instead of layer. But it’s always guaranteed to have all the layers in the layers list after initialization.

  • locked – Whether the zone is locked for editing or not.

  • net – The net ordinal number which net in the nets section that the zone is part of.

  • net_name – The name of the net if the zone is not a keep out area.

  • layer – The canonical layer the zone resides on.

  • layers – It specifies the copper layers for the zone.

  • tstamp – The unique identifier (UUID) for the zone object.

  • name – The name for the zone if one has been assigned.

  • hatch – The zone outline display hatch style and pitch

  • priority – The zone priority if it is not zero.

  • attr – The reference to a ZoneAttr object defining additional zone attributes.

  • connect_pads – The pad connection type and clearance.

  • min_thickness – The minimum fill width allowed in the zone.

  • filled_areas_thickness – The zone like width is not used when determining the zone fill area.

  • keepout – The keep out items if the zone defines as a keep out area.

  • fill – The configuration for zone filling, including mode, island removal, hatch options, etc.

  • polygons – X-Y coordinates of corner points of the polygon outline.

  • filled_polygons – List of polygons used to fill the zone.


The tstamp field got renamed to uuid in 20240108 (KiCad 8).

locked: bool = False
net: int = 0
net_name: str = ''
layer: Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] | None = None
layers: list[Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] | Literal['*.Adhes', '*.Cu', '*.Mask', '*.Paste', '*.SilkS', 'F&B.Cu']]
tstamp: UUID | None = None
uuid: UUID | None = None
name: str | None = None
hatch: tuple[Hatch, float] = ('none', 0)
priority: int | None = None
attr: ZoneAttr | None = None
connect_pads: ConnectionPads
min_thickness: float = 0
filled_areas_thickness: bool = True
keepout: ZoneKeepOutSettings | None = None
fill: ZoneFillSettings
polygons: list[Polygon]
filled_polygons: list[ZoneFillPolygon]
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['zone']] = 'zone'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.Group(name: str, locked: bool = False, id: ~uuid.UUID | None = None, uuid: ~uuid.UUID | None = None, members: list[~uuid.UUID] = <factory>)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A group element within a KiCad PCB file, allowing you to group other elements for organizational purposes.

KiCad group

  • name – The name of the group.

  • locked – Whether the group is locked for editing or not.

  • id – The unique identifier (UUID) for the group element.

  • members – A list of unique identifiers of the objects belonging to the group.


The id field got renamed to uuid in 20240108 (KiCad 8).

name: str
locked: bool = False
id: UUID | None = None
uuid: UUID | None = None
members: list[UUID]
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['group']] = 'group'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.RenderCache(name: str, number: float, polygons: list[~edea.kicad.pcb.common.Polygon] = <factory>)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A render cache element within a KiCad PCB file, potentially used for optimizing rendering of complex elements.

  • name – The name of the render cache.

  • number – A number of the render cache.

  • polygons – The cached geometry.

name: str
number: float
polygons: list[Polygon]
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['render_cache']] = 'render_cache'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.BaseTextBox(locked: bool = False, text: str = '', start: tuple[float, float] | None = None, end: tuple[float, float] | None = None, pts: ~edea.kicad.common.Pts | None = None, layer: ~typing.Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] = 'F.Cu', effects: ~edea.kicad.common.Effects = <factory>, render_cache: ~edea.kicad.pcb.common.RenderCache | None = None, angle: float | None = None, stroke: ~edea.kicad.common.Stroke | None = None, hide: bool = False, border: bool | None = None, tstamp: ~uuid.UUID | None = None, uuid: ~uuid.UUID | None = None)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A base textbox element within a KiCad PCB file, providing a foundation for various text objects.

  • locked – Whether the text box is locked for editing or not.

  • text – The text content of the box.

  • start – The starting X-Y coordinates of the text box.

  • end – The ending X-Y coordinates of the text box.

  • pts – The reference to a Pts object defining the text box outline.

  • layer – The canonical layer the text box resides on.

  • effects – Reference to an Effects object defining text effects.

  • render_cache – Reference to a RenderCache element for potentially cached rendering.

  • angle – The rotation angle for the text box.

  • stroke – Reference to a stroke object defining the text outline style.

  • hide – Whether the text box is hidden or not.

  • border – Whether the text box has a border or not.

  • tstamp – The unique identifier (UUID) for the text box element.

  • uuid – The unique identifier (UUID) for the text box element.


The tstamp field got renamed to uuid in 20240108 (KiCad 8).

locked: bool = False
text: str = ''
start: tuple[float, float] | None = None
end: tuple[float, float] | None = None
pts: Pts | None = None
layer: Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] = 'F.Cu'
effects: Effects
render_cache: RenderCache | None = None
angle: float | None = None
stroke: Stroke | None = None
hide: bool = False
border: bool | None = None
tstamp: UUID | None = None
uuid: UUID | None = None
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['base_textbox', 'fp_text_box', 'gr_text_box']] = 'base_textbox'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.Net(number: int, name: str)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A net connection for the pad within a KiCad PCB file.

  • number – The number of the net connection.

  • name – The name of the net connection.

number: int
name: str
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['net']] = 'net'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.Image(at: tuple[float, float], uuid: ~uuid.UUID | None = None, layer: ~typing.Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] = 'F.Cu', scale: float | None = None, data: list[str] = <factory>, locked: bool | None = None)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

An embedded image within a KiCad PCB file.

KiCad image

  • at – The X-Y coordinates of the image.

  • uuid – The unique identifier (UUID) for the image element.

  • layer – The associated board layer of the image using one canonical layer name.

  • scale – The scale factor of the image..

  • data – The image data in the portable network graphics format (PNG) encoded with MIME type base64.

  • locked – Whether the image is locked for editing or not.


The fields uuid and locked were added in 20240108 (KiCad 8).

at: tuple[float, float]
uuid: UUID | None = None
layer: Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] = 'F.Cu'
scale: float | None = None
data: list[str]
locked: bool | None = None
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['image']] = 'image'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.TearDrops(best_length_ratio: float, max_length: float, best_width_ratio: float, max_width: float, curve_points: int, filter_ratio: float, enabled: bool, allow_two_segments: bool, prefer_zone_connections: bool)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

The teardrops settings within a KiCad PCB file.

  • best_length_ratio – The best length ratio for the teardrops.

  • max_length – The maximum length for the teardrops.

  • best_width_ratio – The best width ratio for the teardrops.

  • max_width – The maximum width for the teardrops.

  • curve_points – The number of curve points for the teardrops.

  • filter_ratio – The filter ratio for the teardrops.

  • enabled – Whether the teardrops are enabled or not.

  • allow_two_segments – Whether two segments are allowed for the teardrops or not.

  • prefer_zone_connections – Whether zone connections are preferred for the teardrops or not.

best_length_ratio: float
max_length: float
best_width_ratio: float
max_width: float
curve_points: int
filter_ratio: float
enabled: bool
allow_two_segments: bool
prefer_zone_connections: bool
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['teardrops']] = 'teardrops'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.LayerKnockout(name: Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] = 'F.Cu', knockout: bool = False)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

Indicates that the text in a layer should be knocked out.

kicad graphical text

param name:

The name of the copper layer to be knocked out

param knockout:

Whether the layer is knocked out or not.

cvar kicad_expr_tag_name:

The KiCad expression tag name for this element (“layer”).

name: Literal['F.Cu', 'In1.Cu', 'In2.Cu', 'In3.Cu', 'In4.Cu', 'In5.Cu', 'In6.Cu', 'In7.Cu', 'In8.Cu', 'In9.Cu', 'In10.Cu', 'In11.Cu', 'In12.Cu', 'In13.Cu', 'In14.Cu', 'In15.Cu', 'In16.Cu', 'In17.Cu', 'In18.Cu', 'In19.Cu', 'In20.Cu', 'In21.Cu', 'In22.Cu', 'In23.Cu', 'In24.Cu', 'In25.Cu', 'In26.Cu', 'In27.Cu', 'In28.Cu', 'In29.Cu', 'In30.Cu', 'B.Cu', 'B.Adhes', 'F.Adhes', 'B.Paste', 'F.Paste', 'B.SilkS', 'F.SilkS', 'B.Mask', 'F.Mask', 'Dwgs.User', 'Cmts.User', 'Eco1.User', 'Eco2.User', 'Edge.Cuts', 'F.CrtYd', 'B.CrtYd', 'F.Fab', 'B.Fab', 'User.1', 'User.2', 'User.3', 'User.4', 'User.5', 'User.6', 'User.7', 'User.8', 'User.9', 'Margin', 'Rescue'] = 'F.Cu'
knockout: bool = False
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['layer']] = 'layer'
class edea.kicad.pcb.common.Property(key: str, value: str, at: Position | None = None, layer: LayerKnockout | None = None, effects: Effects | None = None, render_cache: RenderCache | None = None, uuid: UUID | None = None, hide: bool | None = None, unlocked: bool | None = None)

Bases: KicadPcbExpr

A property element within a KiCad PCB file.

  • key – The name of the property and must be unique.

  • value – The value of the property.

key: str
value: str
at: Position | None = None
layer: LayerKnockout | None = None
effects: Effects | None = None
render_cache: RenderCache | None = None
uuid: UUID | None = None
hide: bool | None = None
unlocked: bool | None = None
kicad_expr_tag_name: ClassVar[Literal['property']] = 'property'