Module metadata
EDeA module metadata.
- class edea.metadata.EdeaModuleMetadata(*, area_mm: float | None = None, width_mm: float | None = None, height_mm: float | None = None, count_copper_layer: int | None = None, sheets: int | None = None, count_part: int | None = None, count_unique_part: int | None = None, parts: dict[str, dict[str, str]] = {})
Metadata for the EDeA module.
- Parameters:
area_mm – The area of the module in millimeters.
width_mm – The width of the module in millimeters.
height_mm – The height of the module in millimeters.
count_copper_layer – The number of copper layers in the module schematic.
sheets – The number of sheets in the module schematic.
count_part – The total number of parts in the module.
count_unique_part – The number of unique parts in the module.
parts – Detailed information about the parts in the module.